Música Cristiana en Inglés

Third Day – Born in Bethlehem



D D D A D D Bm7 D A D

Baby Jesus born in a stable, a humble Savior’s birth
Bm D A D
You left your throne in heav-en a-bove to live here on the earth
D Bm7 G A D
Ba-by Je-sus ly-in in a man-ger, cry-in for the world.

G2 Bm7 A D
The an-gels told the shep-herds of the good news for us all.

G D Bm7 A
Hal-le-lu-jah the King is here giv-en for all men.
G Bm7 Bm A D2
For to-day the ho-ly Son of God is born in Beth-le-hem.

D Bm7 Bm A D

D Bm7 A D
Come thou sin-ners and you saints, all peas-ants and all kings
G2 Bm Bm7 A D
And bow be-fore the earth’s re-deem-er let all voic-es sing.

G D Bm7 A
Hal-le-lu-jah the King is here giv-en for all men.
G Bm7 Bm A D2
For to-day the ho-ly Son of God is born in Beth-le-hem.
G D Bm7 A
Hal-le-lu-jah the King is here giv-en for all men.
G Bm7 Bm A D2
For to-day the ho-ly Son of God is born in Beth-le-hem.




Baby Jesus born in a stable, a humble Savior’s birth
You left your throne in heaven a-bove to live here on the earth
Baby Jesus lyin in a manger, cry-in for the world.

The angels told the shepherds of the good news for us all.
Hallelujah the King is here given for all men.
For today the holy Son of God is born in Bethlehem.

Come thou sinners and you saints, all peasants and all kings
And bow be-fore the earth’s re-deem-er let all voic-es sing.

Hallelujah the King is here given for all men.
For today the holy Son of God is born in Bethlehem.
Hallelujah the King is here given for all men.
For today the holy Son of God is born in Bethlehem.



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